By means of a cooperative agreement, the Town of Homer provides assessment services for properties within the Town and Village of Homer, the Town of Virgil, and the City of Cortland. These three municipalities have been consolidated into one centralized office located in the Homer Town Hall. The office is staffed Monday & Friday from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., Tuesday - Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and by appointment. Please email any question's or concerns to Brian Fitts: or
The Town of Virgil has conducted a revaluation effective for the 2025 assessment roll. The last reassessment was conducted effective for January 2008. On March 1, 2025, the 2025 Assessment Notifications will be mailed to all properties in the Town. This mailing is a legal requirement as outlined in Section 511 of Real Property Tax Law. This is the preliminary assessment. This notification is required to provide an approximate tax liability. This is just an estimate as the tax rates will not be set by the Town Board until December 2025.
The Department of Finance has produced the following videos to assist property owners with understanding the components related to reviewing, understanding and contesting an assessed valuation.
The Assessment Disclosure Notice Detail will be made available shortly on a link below. Additionally, summary data RPS 505 Tables I to III is provided regarding the property classifications, number of parcels and the percentage and dollar change compared over the last two tax years. These three tables help summarize at a high level where the changes are occurring by property class and within a specific property class.
If a property’s assessment requires follow up you may schedule an administrative review (informal) meeting by appointment. These meetings will be held at 31 N Main Street in Homer at the Homer Town Hall. You may schedule an appointment by calling 607-745-7545. These meetings can be scheduled between March 12, 2025 and April 30, 2025.
Conducting a reassessment does not mean that your assessment or your taxes will automatically increase. Your taxes may increase, decrease or stay the same.
Over time, the market value of properties changes. The value of some properties may increase, while the value of some properties may decrease. Reassessments ensure that your property is assessed based on current market values, rather than on market values from 17 years ago.
If your assessment increases, it doesn't mean that your taxes will automatically increase. If the increase in your assessment is less than the average increase, your taxes will actually decrease. The average increase for this reassessment project was ~70%
For example:
If a property’s assessment requires follow up you may schedule an administrative review (informal) meeting by appointment. These meetings will be held at 31 N Main Street in Homer at the Homer Town Hall. You may schedule an appointment using the link below or call 607-745-7545. These meetings can be scheduled between March 12, 2024 and April 30, 2025.
To schedule an appoint click on the website below or scan the QR Code.
1. A recent appraisal (within the last 3 years)
2. A recent listing of the property for sale (within the last 3 years)
3.If a property owner believes a parcel is over assessed due to the condition of the property photographs of the condition of the home must be provided
4. A brief, written description identifying why the property owner feels they are over assessed
5. A list of recent sales of comparable properties
1. A recent appraisal (within the last 3 years)
2. A recent listing of the property for sale (within the last 3 years)
3. If it is over assessed due to the condition of the property then I would like to see photos that show the issue(s)
4. A brief, written description identifying why the property owner feels they are over assessed
5. A list of recent sales of comparable properties
6. Most recent Income and Expense reports specific to the property. Preferably a certified report for tax purposes that should include:
The 2025 Tentative Assessment Roll will be completed on May 1, 2025 and available the first week of May 2025 for review. Property Owners who request an informal meeting and disagree with the property’s assessment must file a formal written compliant on the form RP-524 on or before the Grievance Day on June 10, 2025. Forms are available online, on the State’s website at, and available at the Assessor’s Office.
The 2025 Final Assessment Roll will be completed by July 1, 2025. If a property owner grieved an assessment and did not receive the relief requested, an application for judicial review of the assessment can be submitted within 30 days following the final roll date. These values will be used in developing the Town’s 2026 budget, which formally begins in September.
The Board of Assessment review meets once a year in May. If you can not come to an agreement with the Town Assessor on your assessment, you are welcome to go in front of the Board of Assessment review. You must contact the assessor first and make an appointment.
Sarah Dean, Member of the Board of Assessment review
Term Expires: 09/2028
Fred Carden, Member of the Board of Assessment Review
Term Expires: 09/2027
Vacant, Member of the Board of Assessment Review
Term Expires: 09/2026
James Povero, Member of the Board of Assessment Review
Term Expires: 09/2025
Vacant, seat of the Board of Assessment Review. If you wish to serve on the Board of Assessment review please contact the Virgil Town Clerk at 607-749-0038