The above picture is of Virgil in 1885. On the far left is the Baptist Church, who donated their land to the Virgil Elementary School District. Left of center is the former Congregational church and right of the center is the Virgil Methodist Church, which is still standing today.
Our American culture got its start in places like the Town of Virgil. The qualities of our early settlers can still be seen in the people who live here today. The pioneering spirit, civic mindedness and friendly hospitality live on in Virgil residents today. Virgil was established as part of a military tract in Central New York, which granted Revolutionary War soldiers land as payment for their service to the military. The Town was named by Albany officials in honor of the Roman poet, Virgil. The Town was first settled in 1792. Shortly after settlement the Town was connected by roads to neighboring communities. Farming and related industries were the main occupation of the early settlers. Farming was the predominant industry in the area, until very recently. The beauty of our township with its rolling hills and gorgeous views is due to in large part to the local farmers stewardship of the land for over two hundred years. More information on Virgil's history can be found in the publication titled "As We Were: A Picture History of Virgil." The publication was compiled by Virgil's Historical Society in 1979. The publication is available for sale at the Virgil Town Hall.
Marsha Powell, Town of Virgil Historian
Email Address:
Phone # 607-835-6174 ext. 2
Office Hours: Wednesdays 12:00 PM- 3:00 PM
Virgil has a very active Historical Society. They meet four times a year at the Virgil Town Hall. For more information contact Marsha Powell at
The Virgil Stories II Historical Society Publication has been completed. Reserve your copy today from the Virgil Town Clerk 607-835-6174 ext. 2. The second volume will be $25.00.
Below you will find an order form to your your copy of the Virgil Historical Society's publication "Virgil Stories." If you have any questions call the Virgil Town Clerk at 607-835-6174 ext 2
The Historical Society is currently collecting stories for Volume II. Stay tuned.